Power Elevated Work Platforms/Propane (PEWP)
Recommend updating every 3 years.
Prerequisite: Working at Heights.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain and understand the roles and responsibilities of operating a PEWP safely and in accordance with the regulations and the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Working safely while operating.
- Proper use of harnesses and lanyards.
- Identify any Hazards and be aware of how to avoid them.
- Knowledge of how to perform a function test, a site inspection, and a pre-operation inspection and how to document them.
- Show proficiency in operation of machines.
- Recognize and evaluate hazards of propane.
- Demonstrate how to safely connect and disconnect vehicle propane cylinders.
Please note: Dates and times are subject to change.
If you like to be placed on a waitlist, please contact info@ftiontario.com.
*Phones are not permitted during class time for any purpose, including translation.
*If you require a translator, please notify us before booking. Without prior notice, you will be refused entry.